Islamabad to Mansehra by road

Islamabad or Rawalpindi to Mansehra by road takes about 4 and half hour. The road is well conditioned and there is no need of feeling uneasy, even when you are using your own car or jeep while on the journey towards Azad Kashmir, Swat, Naran Kaghan or Gilgit-Baltistan.
The route detail is: When you depart from Islamabad or Rawalpindi, you will follow the G.T road. First you will reach Texila than Wah and then Hassan Abdal. From the Hassan Abdal the G.T road will turn towards Peshawar and you have to follow the Karakorum Highway (K.K.H). While on the way towards Mansehra you will reach Haripur, Havelian, Abbottabad and then Mansehra.

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